Saturday, September 29, 2012

Outline Paper 1

"Lord of the Rings: Two Towers (Extended Edition)

I. Introduction
A. Laws of physics are bent either due to magic or to fit the movie's "epic scale"

II. Body

A. Everything that's Elvish is probably "enchanted"
1. Human arrows oscilate when fired, but Elvish arrows don't, which is clearest in Helm's Deep
2. A elvish made boat thought to have been destroyed after careening off a waterfall is shown to be in perfect condition
3. An Elvish roper, which is about a cm in diameter, doesn't break under the weight of two people (albeit very short people) when descending a mountain in the beginning. of the film.
4. Despite everything else not breaking, Elvish armor still seems inferior when countless Elves are slaughter via arrows, axes, and spears in the final battle

B. Gravity doesn't always work against the heroes...

1. Gandalf falls after a Balrog in the opening, but despite the fact that his lesser weight should have had him slow down considerably (and a 20 second head start) he catches up to the beast in 10 seconds.
2. A plethora of horseman led by Gandalf trample down a steep cliff in which, despite crowding, angles, and speeds, the horses stay perfectly stable

C. Timing isn't always proper.

1. Aragorn throws a spear at an orc, but the spear speeds up faster than his arm is throwing it (after it leaves his hand).

2. Legolas rides a sharp-edged shield down a slight of stairs, but despite the relatively slow speed (possibly 10 mph at the fastest),  when it launches off an angled ramp, it impales an orc through it's armor with ease

3. When Ents destroy a damn, the water coming out of it is clearly moving at an altered rate to be slower, due to the fact that Ents trying to escape are moving at a slow pace.

III. Conclusion
A. Physics are sometimes disregarded due to some sort of magical force or enchantment.
B. Other times, physics are ignored due to action at hand or to more greatly increase the epic scale of the current scene.

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